31 de mayo de 2012

The hardest is always different...

--The hardest thing to do is letting go..
not because you want to but because you have to.

26 de mayo de 2012

19 de mayo de 2012

Squat Analogy...

The squat is the perfect analogy for life.
It's about standing back up after something heavy takes you down!

12 de mayo de 2012

Plain and simple...

When someone says:
"You've changed"
It simply means:
you've stopped living your life their way...

11 de mayo de 2012

4 de mayo de 2012

Clear the road...

Don't let yesterday take up too much of today...
No dejes que lo de ayer tome mucho del día de hoy!

Los animalitos en nuestras vidas:

Hasta que no hayas amado
a un animal, una parte de tu alma permanecerá dormida.

Sweet Innocence...

Ok, So we've taken off our clothes and I'm on top of you-
How long before we get that orgasm thing?
I don't know but now I understand why mummy has a headache all the time!